
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Te Reo Animation

I have made a Te Reo Animation and I would like you to watch . This took a lot of time and effort . Hope you enjoy!.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Endangered Species DANGERS AND THREATS

Most animals in New Zealand are Endangered because of a HEAP of people who haven't been caring for our Environment.
           Climate Change
      Habitat Loss
            Introduced Pests

I hope you enjoyed my poster

5 Reasons Why We Should Have Halloween

In my class we have been learning about Halloween. We have to write 5 Reasons why we SHOULD or SHOULDN'T celebrate Halloween in NZ.

 I do not agree celebrating HALLOWEEN

I really enjoyed making this google drawing

This poster took me a really long time to find the perfect Halloween background

I was challenging myself to get 5 reasons why we should have Halloween


Friday, November 2, 2018

Te Kauru Camp 2018 - (Writing 2nd Draft)

  Fear Fall

The ride STOPPED and kept going and then STOPPED again , I was absolutely HORRIFIED! … Then it dropped extremely fast , when that happened I couldn’t breathe one single inch! . The ride was just about to finish. I thought we all were gonna be flattened like a pancake! .

Fear fall

Brylee checking her self out xD

Friday, September 21, 2018

STEAM reflection

In Term 3, the students have been continuing their STEAM learning using the STEAM Electronics kits. They have been learning how to block code using the program Snap4Arduino. The purpose of this learning has been for the students to control one or more LED lights on an electronic arduino board using code. Each week the coding expectation increased and the students showed perseverance in achieving successful outcomes!

Learning Goal 1. To make an LED blink off/on by controlling voltage from 0V to 5V by programming the Arduino.

Learning Goal 2. To change the speed of blinking to such a high rate that the LED appears to be dimmer.

Learning Goal 3. To make the LED fade on and off by varying the voltage

1.What was I learning and why?

I have been learning how to make electronics by using Snap4arduino to make LEDs flash off and on alternatively, you need Snap4arduino to programme your electronic.

2.What did I do well and why?

Brylee is my partner for STEAM Kits , at first we were struggling so much , and then we started making our way through slowly . But we still need some help.

3.What challenged me ……?

Wiring things into breadboards and Arduino boards challenged me a lot probably because I was not using the diagram properly.

4.What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful ….. ?

Make sure that my coding is correct with no help needed to improve my learning .

5.What have I enjoyed about the learning?

I enjoyed making electronics with Whaea Deb and Mrs Davan because I have done A LOT of coding and creativity and have enjoyed it positively.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Tidy Numbers


I have been learning how to use tidy numbers,tidy numbers is a strategy that makes your learning easier and helps calculate in your head.Hello everyone this is my post to help make your learning easier with tidy numbers.I have made this post because I am showing you how to use Tidy Numbers

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Science Roadshow

There was a science roadshow at Abundant life , it was funny , gross and fun.The first thing we did was sit on the floor and watch the demonstrators show us what to do. After 30 minutes the demonstrators let us have a look at science projects. My favourite part was when I got in the spinning motion curtain, I don't know what its real name was but I just call it that . After 30 seconds I got out of the spinning motion curtain , and I felt dizzy and wanted to get some fresh air . Then the demonstrators told us to sit down , we sat down and they showed me some very weird and gross objects. I felt sick , then after a hole bunch of chit chat the demonstrators told me us to come sit down.When I sat down they pulled out poo and it smelt soooo BAD!.I learnt about doo doo which was disgusting , and i learnt how to do science.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

All About Me

Hi my name is Aanaiah and I am 9 years old but everybody thinks I'm 10 by my looks.I have 2 very annoying brothers and my littlest brother is annoying baby Jayden and he is 3 years old but I don't really mind when kids are around him but if he has attitude taught by mum everything goes down the sink.Anyways my oldest brother who is Kordal is annoyed by me every single day because I always get to sit on the side in the car and he sits in the middle stopping on my feet like siblings do(while not really).My life is awesome around my best friends and friends,family,cousins and pets,my life contains a lot of play fights and other stuff.Moving on from that.My interests are DIY's, Art,Baking and other stuff.

Sir Peter Blake Leadership

I show I am a good leader by showing Integrity and Diversity (and others).I always try my best in everything I do , sometimes I make mistakes ,  sometimes I do something wrong , but i still stick up for myself and try again.

Synonyms I'm Talking Big I'm Talking Delicious


I'm talking big
I'm talking humungous 
abundant , massive!
I'm talking gigantic
large , ginormous , titanic.
I'm talking exstencive , 
sizable , hefty , jumbo
i'm talking big! 


I'm talking yum
I'm talking delicious!
I'm talking tasty , 
delightful , scrumpcious
I'm talking top-notch , 
mouthwatering , yummy , 
I'm talking yum

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to
seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school,
your family and friends anywhere.