
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas A-Z

WALT: Make a A-Z out of Christmas words

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Duffy Theatre

My highlight of the Duffy show was the PUZZLER, a character in Magic Bricks, that would muddle up anything Duffy or anyone would make. At the end of the show the  PUZZLER stacked the blocks on top of each other, creating 2 towers of bricks that spelt “GAME OVER”. The DISMANTLER then came along and put down her 2 construction cones. She then busted over one of the towers of blocks. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Standard Written Form Addition

WALT: Do algorithms to make our maths easier.

REFLECTION: This was a hard task for me but some of my friends helped me with a few equations. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Bird House

WALT: Make a birdhouse digitally or hard cover.
Reflection: This poster took a long time and effort and finally payed off. I had decided to use 3D blocks to give it more of a unique look.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Explain Netball

Explaining Netball


Netball is a sport that involves positions, teams, shooting and skills.

To start off the game, split an even amount of players into fair teams. In netball there must be 2 subs off court on each players groups . You should have seven or more players each. All players must get in there positions, and wait till the whistle is blown. There are 2 centres on each team, they start the game.

The center can run anywhere on the court apart from the shooting circles. Defence players are the people who defend the other team’s shooters, they are also allowed to go into the goaling circle and a third of the court. And attack have the same restrictions. Also attack are the players who score their team’s goal, and are basically the positions who try and win the game.

There are some rules in netball that if you break them you have to hand over the ball to the other team. Obstruction is when a player is less than 1 metre near the opponent. One of the most basic rules is that you can not run or walk with the ball, otherwise that would lead to stepping. Long nails, are one of the MOST restrictions in netball. Because if your nails are too long, then you will be disqualified from the game.

I hope you have found out a lot about netball in this explaining process.

By Aanaiah

Monday, July 29, 2019

Taniwha Vocab Sheet

This task was sort of easy because my group and I got to find the definition of the word on google.

The Trail of The Taniwha - A-Z

WALT: Use a Alphabetical A-Z Brainstorm Sheet for all the information about a Taniwha.
Reflection: The digital sheet wasn't very hard apart from finding some confusing information.